What is AI copywriting? – 10 Eye-opening Facts That Will Blow Your Mind in 2024

What is AI Copywriting - Social Media Posts - Copywriting Tools - Content Writing Tools

Copywriting is super important, right? It’s not just about making your brand stand out and helping your website climb up in Google searches (that’s SEO for you).

It’s also about getting your readers to do something, like moving them through your sales process.

Lately, we’ve all noticed how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the game in business, doing all sorts of tasks and doing them well. Now, let’s talk about how this cool tech is shaking up the world of copywriting.

Whether you’re running an online shop, writing copy for your company, or marketing products, you’re probably curious about AI in copywriting. This article is here to help.

What is AI copywriting?

An AI copywriter is like a smart robot that writes stuff for you. Give it some info, and it whips up all kinds of writing – from big blog posts and product blurbs to online course material and even catchy lines for social media.

AI Copywriting - AI Copywriting Tool - Social Media Posts - AI Content Writing Tools - Digital Marketing

Imagine this: you give it a title and a basic sketch for a blog post, and voila! It pops out a few paragraphs that you can tweak and polish.

The cool part? You can tell this AI writer how you want the writing to sound – funny, serious, you name it – and even fill it in on your brand’s vibe. It then creates content that really feels like it’s from you.

How does an AI copywriter tool work?

An AI copywriter is like a super-smart tool that’s learned a ton from a huge pool of information. It gets its language skills and world knowledge from all the data it’s been fed.

AI Copywriting Tool - Content Creation - Natural Language Processing - AI Tools - AI Generated Copy

In a way, it’s kind of like how we humans learn and understand things.

You can think of it as a really brainy 12-year-old who knows a whole lot about the world from surfing the internet. But, just like us, it doesn’t know everything.

To write really good stuff, it needs to be trained with specific information about the area you’re interested in, like a particular industry.

For instance, an AI that’s made for online shopping sites would have seen a lot more stuff about e-commerce.

So, when you want the AI to write something, you’ve got to give it some background, just like you’d brief a human copywriter. The info you provide helps steer the AI in the right direction; otherwise, it could write just about anything.

The key is this: the better and more relevant information you give the AI, the better it can write what you need. That leads to more on-point and effective writing.

It’s like the old saying: “garbage in, garbage out”. If you put in good stuff, you’ll get good stuff out.

Who can benefit from AI copywriting?

This is like asking, “Who wouldn’t love to save time and money?”

First off, let’s clear something up: AI isn’t taking our jobs. I know lots of writers are worried that tools like ChatGPT and other AI copywriters will make us unnecessary, but that’s not the case.

Think about it – humans have always used tools, from stone knives way back when to horses and buggies, and now computers and software.

AI is just another tool. You’re human; use AI to your advantage and grow with it.

But how? We’re all figuring it out, but here’s how AI can make your work easier:

Marketers and Social Media Managers:

Target Audience - Brand Voice - AI Generated Content - Writing Skills - AI Copywriting Tool
  • AI can’t make your marketing plan, but it can suggest key things to track, hashtag ideas, and more.
  • It can help list goals for your next campaign.
  • Create summaries and excerpts for your website or strategy documents.
  • Think up social media post ideas.
  • Do user research with chatbots.
  • Even help create visuals and fine-tune your ads.

  • Imagine saving 20 hours a week by letting an AI do audience research – that’s a big chunk of the average marketer’s time!


AI Copywriting Tool - Generate Content - Marketing Teams - Unlimited Words - Written Content - Writing Style
  • Let AI be your sidekick so you can focus on what makes you unique – your voice and style.
  • Use it for ideas, ad copy, SEO keywords, or even basic outlines.
  • Break through writer’s block.
  • Come up with titles or translate content into different languages.

Business Owners:

Landing Pages - Generate High Quality Content - Search Engine Rankings - SEO Meta Descriptions
  • You’ve got enough on your plate. Let AI ease the load.
  • It can draft web and social media content, email replies, and summarize meetings.


Content Marketing Efforts - AI Copywriting Features - Generate Content Ideas - Business Plan - Marketing Copy
  • Whether you’re a big store or a small online shop, AI can:
    • Handle customer service and sales through chatbots.
    • Write product listings, ads, emails, and more.
    • Create different versions of web pages or ads for testing or to suit different languages and locations.

In short, AI can do a lot to help you work smarter, not just harder.

10 best AI copywriting tools for 2023

Following is a list of some of the best AI copywriting tools/AI content writing tools to generate copy of a high-quality content:

Jasper (formerly Jarvis): Think of Jasper as your witty writing buddy. It used to be called Jarvis, and it’s great at helping you whip up all kinds of copy.

Content Creation Efforts - Custom Templates - Word Processing Features - Crafting Social Media Posts

From blog posts to ads, Jasper’s got your back with creative ideas!

Hypotenuse AI: Picture Hypotenuse AI as the smart, number-loving friend in your group.

Google Docs - Free Plan - Word Count - Free Version

It’s all about using AI smarts to create engaging content that really resonates with your audience. Mathematically precise, creatively awesome!

Writesonic: Writesonic is like that energetic friend who always has a ton of ideas.

Plagiarism Checker - Long Form Content - Unlimited Word Credits

It’s perfect for zipping through writing tasks, and turning your thoughts into well-crafted words, whether it’s for your website, ads, or emails.

SEO Content Machine: This tool is the SEO guru of the group.

Content Marketers

It helps you create content that loves search engines. SEO Content Machine is all about making sure your content gets seen by the right eyes.

Writecream: Think of Writecream as your cool, laid-back pal who knows just what to say.

Many Copywriting Tools

It’s great for creating personalized content, especially if you’re reaching out to customers or leads with cold emails or messages.

CopyAI: CopyAI is like the creative genius in your circle.

Copywriting Process - Write Copy

It’s an AI tool that’s all about coming up with fresh, engaging copy for your brand, no matter what you’re working on.

Smart Copy by Unbounce: Smart Copy is the savvy, street-smart one of the group.

All In One Tool - AI Writing

Brought to you by Unbounce, it focuses on creating copy that not only sounds good but also converts. It’s all about smart, effective writing.

Copysmith: Copysmith is like a methodical, detail-oriented friend.

Plagiarism Checker

It’s fantastic for businesses looking to scale up their content creation, from product descriptions to ad campaigns, with a keen eye for details.

Rytr: Rytr is like that friend who’s good at just about everything.

Email Subject Lines - Free Trial - AI Content

It’s an all-rounder, helping you write pretty much anything, quickly and efficiently. A real time-saver and idea generator!

Anyword: Anyword is the data-driven, analytical thinker of the bunch.

New Ideas - Free Trial - AI Content

It’s all about creating copy that not only sounds good but is also likely to perform well, thanks to its data-driven approach.

AI-Writer: AI-Writer is like the knowledgeable, well-read buddy.

Free Plan - AI Content - Google Docs - Free Trial

It’s fantastic for generating articles and content, especially when you need a deep dive into a topic. It’s like having a research assistant and writer rolled into one!

How can an AI copywriter help with copywriting?

Before diving in, let’s break down some common struggles with copywriting.

AI Content - Word Choice - Multiple Copy Samples

The Usual Copywriting Hurdles:

Getting the Hang of the Topic:

Writing about something you’re not familiar with? That’s a challenge, especially if you’re a freelancer or dealing with lots of products. You need to research a lot to create content that really speaks to your readers and highlights the product’s value. And boy, can this research be time-consuming!

Creating Fresh Content:

Ever hit a creative wall? It’s tough to keep coming up with new, engaging content all the time. You might find yourself falling back on the same old tricks, which can make your writing feel stale.

Nailing the Tone and Style:

Writing for a specific brand or client? You’ve got to match their style and voice, which might mean following a bunch of rules and avoiding certain words. It’s a lot to juggle to make sure your copy resonates with the brand’s audience.

Adapting to Different Platforms:

Writing for various platforms? Each one has its own quirks, like how many characters you can use. You need to tailor your copy to fit each platform perfectly.

Optimizing the Copy:

On top of all that, you’ve got to make your copy SEO-friendly, often by weaving in keywords. Striking a balance here, especially if you’re writing regularly, is no small feat.

Here’s where an AI copywriter can be a game-changer.

How an AI Copywriter Helps:

Google Ads
  • Time-Saving and Efficiency: An AI copywriter handles the heavy lifting, like product research, so you can focus on big-picture stuff like SEO strategy. This means you can quickly adapt to trends or launch timely campaigns.
  • Consistency is Key: With the right info, AI can consistently produce content that matches your style and tone. This means your brand voice stays the same across all types of content.
  • Optimize Like a Pro: Some AI tools can even write copy that boosts SEO, making sure your content is search engine friendly.
  • Break Free from Creative Blocks: Stuck for ideas? An AI can give you a starting point, whether it’s product descriptions, blog topics, or marketing ideas. This is especially handy when you’ve got similar products to describe in unique ways.

So, AI copywriters don’t just save time; they also help keep your content fresh, consistent, and SEO-smart.

How AI Copywriting Tools Can Help Your Business?

AI copywriting software is a real time-saver!

Key Features

No need to rack your brain for hours trying to come up with a great topic or catchy headline. Just tell the AI what you’re thinking about, and boom – it gives you a bunch of content ideas super fast.

It’s also awesome for those boring writing jobs, like whipping up product descriptions for your online store.

Here’s what else you can create easily with AI copywriting tools:

  • Ideas and layouts for blog posts
  • Titles and little descriptions (meta descriptions) for your web pages
  • Advertising text
  • Social media updates
  • Persuasive lines (CTAs) to get people to do something

When you let an AI handle these kinds of tasks, you free up your time to work on bigger projects that can really make a difference for your business.

How to Overcome AI Limitations?

AI copywriting is super handy, but it’s not perfect.

Key Features - Same Page

Think of it as just one tool in your digital marketing toolbox, kind of like a starting point.

Here’s an analogy: Just because you use an SEO tool doesn’t mean you’re suddenly an SEO whiz, right? But it sure makes things easier.

Now, the main catch with AI copy?

These AI writing tools look at stuff humans have already written, mix it all up, and try to create something “new.” But this means the content isn’t totally original.

So, it’s really important to edit what the AI comes up with and make sure it’s not copied from somewhere before you put it out there.

Even Google says AI-made content has its place online, as long as it’s original, high-quality, and shows E-E-A-T: expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

Google suggests focusing on people first. There are already AI-generated things like sports scores, weather reports, and transcripts that are totally fine. But using AI to trick search engines into ranking you higher? That’s a no-go according to Google’s spam rules.

The bottom line: When you use AI for writing, remember you’re writing for your readers, not just to climb up in search rankings.

A quick tip: Dive into what E-E-A-T is all about and how you can use these ideas to create awesome content that puts people first.

What are some use cases of AI copywriting?

Heard about AI copywriters but not sure how they fit into writing tasks? Let’s dive into some ways they’re super useful:

AI Copywriting - Key Features

Blog Posts:

  • Writing blogs is awesome for SEO, but it’s also a lot of work. You need to do research and come up with cool topics.
  • Here’s where AI steps in. Give it some info, like what you want to write about and who you’re writing for, and it can suggest a catchy blog title. It might even help with an intro or outline.
  • You then take this outline and expand it into a full article. It’s a great jumping-off point.

Product Descriptions:

  • Need a product description? Just tell the AI about your product – things like the name and features. The AI will craft copy that shows off what’s special about it.
  • This is especially handy when you have loads of products to describe, or when the products are pretty similar but you want each description to stand out.

Advertising Copy:

  • Writing ad copy is tough. It needs to grab attention in busy places like search results or social media feeds. It’s got to be short, sweet, and to the point.
  • An AI copywriter can give you a hand here. It can come up with catchy headlines and descriptions that draw people in.

Social Media Copy:

  • For social media, tell the AI what your post is about. It can generate cool, catchy captions, even throwing in hashtags if it’s for a platform like Instagram.
  • This is a lifesaver when you need to post often and keep things fresh. An AI can help you with captions, saving you loads of time and keeping your social media game strong.

So, AI copywriters aren’t just about saving time; they’re about giving you a creative edge and making your writing process a whole lot smoother.


Right now, human copywriters are still in the lead. AI copywriting tools aren’t about to take over our jobs anytime soon.

Key Features

But, as AI gets better and computers become smarter, these tools will likely become a regular part of a copywriter’s life. Think about how popular Grammarly has become – it’s a hint of what’s to come!

The AI copywriting tools we’ve seen so far aren’t quite at the point where they can churn out content that’s ready to go or match the quality of a pro-human writer.

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